Feng Shui Principles in Holistic Logo Design

The twentieth-century psychologist Carl Jung referred to symbols as the language of the unconscious. Your logo is a remarkably important and powerful component of your business. It conveys a message about who you are, what you do, and what you stand for.

One of the services that Will LeStrange offers to his clients is Holistic branding and logo design. He brings Feng Shui design principles to this process to help reveal the essence of the authentic energy of a business

 This article from TechInsider is a great example of how minor changes to a logo can bring interesting and unpredicted results.

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feng shui logoWhen brands release new icons and logos, previously loyal customers often groan with frustration.

This happened when Instagram changed its app icon at the start of May. The flatter, more abstract design was described by Adweek as possibly “one of the biggest design fails of the year.”

But the industry trade title was wrong, according to new analysis from Dragonfly, a design-analysis app created by Black Swan and researchers from Queen Mary University of London.

The new logo is actually 10% more engaging to the human eye than its predecessor, according to the app.

Dragonfly uses a computational model to process the visual characteristics of what someone is looking at (orientation, contrast, texture, luminance) to assign a stimulus attention score to every pixel, demonstrating its attractiveness. The resulting graphics are heatmaps that display what grabs human attention in the first three seconds of interaction.

Business Insider asked Dragonfly to analyze the old and new logos of 10 major brands, giving each a saliency score out of 100. Below are the results:

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