Feng Shui For Real Estate
How To Use Feng Shui For Real Estate
Benefits for Both Buying and Selling Property
Will LeStrange brings his many years of his Feng Shui and space clearing skills to help real estate professionals in understanding the benefits of having their sellers use Feng Shui and space clearing as effective ways to sell their properties for the best possible price and terms.
He assists buyers in helping them to determine the best properties to buy for their individual needs, and he assists current homeowners in determining the best ways to remodel and to adjust their homes in order to maintain balance and harmony. He does not actively sell real estate.
Does This Sound Like You?
- Are you are having difficulties selling a property?
- Are you are looking to buy a property and feel unsure about the decision?
- Does the property you are interested in have a history of illness, bankruptcy or bad luck?
Feng Shui Guide to Selling Properties
Feng shui is a master tool for selling (and buying) properties. Selling a property with feng shui is easy and very efficient – if you make sure that the key aspects of feng shui are covered almost any property can be sold very quickly. There are several important factors that will always affect the sale of your home or business – the three most important being geopathic stress, ghosts/spirits and emotional attachment (the unwillingness of people to move or change). Learn the essential feng shui for real estate checklist to maximise the value of your property and ensure a quick sale.
Here Are Some Feng Shui Real Estate Considerations
- What makes one house or office is better to live or work in than another?
- What makes a property sell for the right price and terms?
- How to determine if the entrance to your home or business will give you the maximum amount of energy?
- Knowing how environmental considerations, such as traffic direction, street location, nearby buildings and other influences can either aid or be detrimental to your location.
- Knowing ways to determine if a new home or office under construction is right for you.
- Knowing ways to arrange your environment to achieve your goals and heartfelt desires while maintaining environmental balance and harmony.
- Determining, in advance, if there are any disturbed earth energies present, and how they can be mitigated.
- Determining, in advance, if there are any disturbing metaphysical energies present, and having them cleared.
Will combines his practical knowledge of real estate with his Feng Shui knowledge and space clearing skills in a way that offers real estate professionals, home buyers, homeowner’s, and business professionals solutions that meet their individual needs in a way that is life enhancing and environmentally balanced.
Check Our Complete Range of Feng Shui Services
Practical Tips on Selling Your Home